Websites are like houses. Website creation is a very similar process to building a building, or a shop, a home. First of all, we need answers to fundamental questions: what do you need the site for? what are you going to use it for? to give greater visibility to your brand? to introduce your products or services? to sell?
As in a house it is necessary to design a path: the entrance, the rooms, and even the exit. Everything must be attractive because whatever your purpose is, there is always something important: that the user spends time on your site. If the user does not know what to do, they will go away. If they do not know where to go, they will leave. If they are confused, disoriented… they will leave.
Websites are very powerful tools, yet most companies consider them as accessories, just like the license plate outside the office or plant.
The distinction between showcase site and content or instrumental site no longer makes sense: any site can be an extremely important source of customer acquisition if it is curated, managed and updated.
The end is the true beginning
Even today, many entrepreneurs see a site as something they “must have”, not as a fundamental tool for communication, analysis, marketing and loyalty.
The importance of updates
The creation of websites costs, not only money but also determination and effort: you have to think about the content, organize them, create a sense path that is easy for the user who accesses it, you need to have beautiful and original photos, often you need a special shooting…
In most cases when a site goes online it is the beginning of the end, it stays that way, still and motionless forever.
Nothing could be more wrong. Or, better do not do anything. If you do not have the strength or resources to follow or have your site followed, it is better to save money and not do it either. This is because an outdated site communicates neglect, lack of energy. For Google, a non-updated site is not interesting, and sends it further and further back in search results.
One tool among others
A website is a tool, it is like I decide to go out with just a jacket. What about the trousers? Aren’t you wearing shoes? Not even the shirt? A site is useful if it is coordinated with other communication tools: social media first, but also Google MyBusiness, LinkedIn, product directories, in-depth sites… The more you define the field, the more you bring users to your site (you make yourself known, acquire contacts or potential customers).
The point of departure and arrival together
A site is the basis through which you can interact with social media, with sponsorships, measure the most visited pages and understand what interests your customer the most, create landing pages in order to increase organic positioning on Google and acquire potential customers. You can inform and communicate together, collect data and activate remarketing. You can sell, you can earn even with content and visits.
A website talks about you, it is your company, the visible part of it. Any word, color, image, photography communicates your company. But you cannot say everything, you have to choose, take the user where you want them to go, take them on a meaningful journey so that they reach what you did it for.
A site must be SEO, easy to navigate, immediate and simple. It must be updated, always fresh. It need to interact with Google Ads, Facebook and Istagram. It needs to talk to your clients.
The strength of the team
Technically, 1 person is enough to create a site, even just a slightly smart “geek”. Technically 1 person costs much less than two or three.
But really is it the case to save on the most important communication tool you can have?
What do you expect from your site? that you bring contacts, customers, that it is nice and easy, that it is integrated and SEO, that it makes you sell more? Then maybe have we to choose a little better who takes care of it?
One person alone is not enough, a developer, as good as they can be, does not have the skills of a graphic designer and a copy together, they will not know how to best structure the site according to your objectives, they will not be able to follow the launch, ads campaigns on Google, Facebok and Instagram, study a content plan and a specific timetable.
In the end you would save a few hundred euros, but is it worth it?